Are You Looking To Hire For Boatyard Services? A List Of Lesser Known Factors You Should Consider

There are many services that are offered by companies that care for your boat when it is stored in a boatyard, harbor or docking station. If you are too busy or too far away to go check on your boat often, hiring one boatyard services can be beneficial. As you look to hire a for this job, there are many questions you need to ask. You likely already know to ask what services they offer, how much they charge, and if their staff has any certifications to work on your boat. However, there are many other questions that you may not know to ask, especially if you have never hired this type of service before. Here are a few of the lesser known factors you should consider as you look to hire boatyard services. 

The Frequency That They Check on and Work on Your Boat

One of the first questions to ask a boatyard service is how frequently they check on the boat and perform services. Unfortunately, just like abandoned homes, many vagrants take to living in vacant boats as well. Having your boat checked on helps to keep squatters out. Also, depending on how often you use the boat and how pristine you want it to look, you may want weekly, bi-weekly or monthly cleaning services on both the exterior of the boat and the living/sailing space. Lastly, a service should be maintaining the boat routinely, completing preventative engine and systems maintenance. Ask how frequently they perform this service as well and ensure the frequency of all of these items meets your expectations. 

Storm Protection Services

Another factor to consider as you look to hire for boatyard services is what protection the company offers in the event that a storm is rolling through. The service may work to shutter the windows and protect your boat, or move it to dry land. Or the company may not be responsible for the boat if a storm is coming in, leaving you to deal with it yourself. Always ask about storm protection services if you live in an area where storms that can damage your boat may hit. 

Seller Services

Lastly, ask the service you are considering hiring if they offer seller services. Before someone buys a boat, they want to be able to walk the boat, examine it and take it for a ride. However, if your boat is docked away from you, trying to meet up with buyers can be time consuming. Some boatyard services will meet with buyers for you when you are selling the boat. They will also go out of their way to clean and detail the boat before the potential buyers arriving, helping to keep it in tip-top showing condition. If you think you may sell your boat anytime in the near future, this is a factor you should consider. 

Your boat is a big investment. Unfortunately, it may be stored in an area where you cannot check on it often or clean it yourself. Or you may not have the time to do so. This is where a boatyard service comes in. There are many factors you need to consider when hiring for boatyard services. Knowing what factors to consider will help you select the one best for you. Contact a marina, like South Park Marina, for more help.
