Three Tips For Planning A Destination Family Reunion

Between the personal and professional obligations most people are committed to, spending quality time with family can be difficult. This is particularly the case when it comes to extended family. A destination family reunion makes for an excellent solution in this case because you get the opportunity to catch up with family while also enjoying a mini vacation. Here are some tips to help you plan a destination family reunion.

Enlist A Charter

Increase the amount of time everyone spends together and minimize stress by enlisting the services of a charter, such as Pacific Coachways Charter Services. A chartered bus gives everyone the opportunity to ride together and arrive at the destination safely. To cover the cost of this service, you can simply include the cost of the charter within your reunion attendance fee.

Should you have any group activities planned at the destination, such as a family picnic or banquet, the charter can come in handy. Instead of everyone having to navigate a city that they aren't familiar with, the charter will ensure everyone arrives on time and together.

Don't Hog Time

While the entire purpose of planning a destination family reunion is to spend time with one another, try not to hog up too much of everyone's time. You want to allow each person a little extra time to take on some of the activities within the area on their own and not as a group.

For example, if you have a breakfast planned for the morning and a family boat ride planned for later in the evening, consider leaving the afternoon free so that everyone can have some downtime. After all, even if you don't want to admit it, you probably have at least one family member that you would welcome a break from.

Start Early

Make sure you begin the planning process early, especially if you have a large family. For the number of hotel rooms you would need to block off and for a meeting space, such as a banquet room, you will probably be competing with conferences and other large groups. To avoid a sellout, start your process rather early.  

In addition to better access to the locations you want, you allow more time to negotiate deals when it comes to group rate discounts. Lastly, this will give everyone more time to plan, which will be favorable when it comes to greater attendance numbers.

With proper planning, a destination family reunion serves as a great way to make memories with your loved ones. Make sure you're planning an event to remember.
