3 Ways to Narrow Down Your Niche When Working with a Host Travel Agency

If you love to travel and plan out vacation itineraries, consider opening up your own home-based traveling agency with the help of a host travel agency. Thirty-four percent of consumers are overwhelmed by the amount of travel information that is available and don't even know where to start when it comes time to plan a vacation. By doing all the work and creating travel packages that are catered toward a specific niche, you can attract a lot of interested consumers. The problem lies with choosing a niche that is right for you. Here are 3 tips that will help you get started in finding the right niche. 

1. Determine Where Your Passion Lies

To be successful in sales, you need to be passionate and knowledgeable about what you're selling; otherwise, you won't be very convincing. You'll also burn out a lot more easily if you don't feel passionate about what you're selling. In short, the very first thing that you should ever do is to determine where your passion lies. You can do this by figuring out what you spend the most of your free time doing or thinking about.

Determining what your passion is will also help you break into the travel industry. This is because there's a good chance that you already have an established network of people who are interested in the same passion as you. These people might eventually become your clients or may be interested in helping you promote your travel packages. For example, if you are interested in fashion, you might want to plan travel packages that are geared toward shopping or going to fashion shows.

2. Narrow Down Each Itinerary by Location, Activity, and Other Factors

Once you have determined where your passion lies, it's important to narrow down your travel itineraries by location, activity, and other factors with the host travel agency. In particular, you want to determine which destinations are most appropriate and the type of activities that the people in that niche may be interested in. For example, again, if your niche is in fashion, you might want to plan a travel package that is centered around fashion week.

You can really diversify your home business by coming up with travel packages that target a specific destination or a specific activity. For example, one itinerary might be targeted toward traveling in Paris whereas another might be targeted in Italy. At this point in time, you should also consider the price point that you are comfortable in working with. 

Set Your Sights On a Particular Demographic

After determining your niche and narrowing down the itinerary of specific packages, you can further refine the niche that you are targeting by setting your sights on a particular demographic. For example, consider whether you are interested in selling to seniors, adults, couples, couples with children, or young teens.

Narrowing down the demographics can also help you better fine-tune the itineraries so they attract more clients. For example, if you are selling to families, you want to make sure that all of the establishments that you have chosen are suitable for young children.


The host travel agency will not only help you narrow down to an appropriate niche, but it will also provide you with the resources needed to plan out the itineraries. For example, they can help you get great deals for certain activities and events or cheaper flight tickets. This way, you can create a travel package that is not only affordable to your customers, but also profitable and worth your time. Some host travel agencies will even help you market and promote the travel packages you've designed. Click here for more information about host travel agencies and how they can help you.
